The basics

Thebes.jl is a small package that adds some simple 3D features to Luxor.jl (a vector-graphics package for graphics workers who like to automate their work with Julia).


Remember: Thebes.jl is intended for simple wireframe constructions in 3D. Don't expect a comprehensive range of 3D modelling and rendering tools. Use Makie.jl (or Blender)!

The 3D world of Thebes is superimposed on the 2D world of Luxor:

using Thebes, Luxor

@drawsvg begin  # a Luxor macro
    background("grey20") # a Luxor function
    rulers()             # a Luxor function
    axes3D()             # a Thebes function
Example block output

There are two main things you have to know in order to draw in 3D:

  • the Point3D type specifies the x, y, and z coordinates of a point in 3D space.

  • there's a function called pin() that draws 2D graphics on the Luxor drawing at the position corresponding to the 3D point.


The pin() function (“<b>p</b>roject <b>in</b>to 2D” perhaps) “pins” 3D information onto the flat 2D drawing surface. I wanted to avoid everything obvious, like “draw”, “render”, “display”, “plot”, “show”, or whatever, and have something short and easy to type. Not to be confused with

A simple example

Here's a complete example showing Thebes and Luxor working together:

using Thebes, Luxor
d = Drawing(800, 300, "assets/figures/simpleexample.svg") # a drawing is required
background("grey20")     # Luxor
origin()                 # Luxor
setline(1)               # Luxor
sethue("white")          # Luxor
axes3D()                 # Thebes

p1 = Point3D(100, 20, 0) # Thebes

loc = pin(p1)            # Thebes

label("there it is!", :e, loc + (5, 0), offset=10, leader=true)  # Luxor

finish()                 # Luxor
Example block output

The pin function draws a small circle at the 3D point p1 and this also returns the corresponding 2D point, which is stored in loc and can be used like any other Luxor 2D point.


Because Thebes.jl displays 3D points on the current 2D Luxor drawing, you should always have a current drawing before using most of the functions from Thebes.

Point cloud

We can do lots of points - here's a few thousand.

@draw begin
c = pin.([Point3D(randn() * 70, randn() * 70, randn() * 70)
    for x in 1:50, y in 1:50, z in 1:50])
end 800 600
Example block output

Helical dots

Let's draw a helix with dots:

@drawsvg begin

helix = [Point3D(150cos(θ), 150sin(θ), 10θ) for θ in 0:π/24:4π]

end 800 500
Example block output


The default graphical rendition of a 3D point is pretty basic: a circle. But you can modify the graphics drawn at each location by passing a function to the pin() function's optional keyword argument, gfunction.

Suppose you want to draw a randomly colored circle at the location of each 3D point, with radius 5 units.

@drawsvg begin

helix_pts = [Point3D(150cos(θ), 150sin(θ), 10θ) for θ in 0:π/24:4π]

pin.(helix_pts, gfunction = (_, pt) -> begin
    circle(pt, 5, :fill)

end 800 500
Example block output

The anonymous function passed to gfunction expects two arguments: the first contains the 3D point, the second contains the 2D point. The function then has the responsibility to draw the 2D graphics for that 2D point, with the possibility of using anything or nothing about the original 3D coordinates. This gives us more control over the rendering of the points.

If you just want simple Luxor stars, you use the second (2D) argument - you don't need the first (3D) one, and we can use the convention of having _ to signify that.

@drawsvg begin

helix = [Point3D(150cos(θ), 150sin(θ), 10θ) for θ in 0:π/24:4π]

pin.(helix, gfunction = (_, pt) -> begin
    star(pt, 5, 5, 0.5, 0.0, :fill)

end 800  500
Example block output

In this next example, the gfunction calculates the distance of the 3D point from the 3D origin, and then draws the 2D circle with a radius that reflects that distance. The function therefore requires both the original 3D point (in the first argument p3) and the second argument (in p2), its 2D projection.

@drawsvg begin

helix = [Point3D(100cos(θ), 100sin(θ), 10θ) for θ in 0:π/24:4π]


pin.(helix, gfunction = (p3, p2) -> begin
    d = rescale(distance(p3, Point3D(0, 0, 0)), 100, 200, 1, 10)
    circle(p2, d, :fill)

end 800 500
Example block output

Remember that all the graphics drawn are 2D graphics. This isn't real 3D, remember! The human brain is quite adaptable, though.

In the next example, each random 3D point is drawn twice, the second time using zero for the z coordinate, to make shadows.

@drawsvg begin
for i in 1:300
    randpoint3D = Point3D(rand(0.0:200, 3)...)
        gfunction = (_, p2) -> circle(p2, 2, :fill))
    pin(Point3D(randpoint3D.x, randpoint3D.y, 0),
        gfunction = (_, p2) -> circle(p2, 2, :fill))
end 800 500
Example block output


Dots are all very well, but suppose we wanted to draw lines? pin() also accepts two 3D points.

This code uses the same 3D points in the helix, but this time draws a line from each projected 2D point to the projection of the nearest point on the vertical z axis.

@drawsvg begin

helix = [Point3D(200cos(θ), 200sin(θ), 15θ) for θ in 0:π/48:4π]


for p in helix
    pin(p, Point3D(0, 0, p.z))

end 800 500
Example block output

The default gfunction's arguments for this pin method consist of two pairs of points (a pair of 3D points, and a pair of 2D points), not just two of each, and Luxor's trusty line() function is the default action, connecting the 2D pair.

Or you could provide a custom gfunction to draw multicoloured arrows instead:

@drawsvg begin

helix = [Point3D(200cos(θ), 200sin(θ), 15θ) for θ in 0:π/48:4π]

for p in helix
    pin(p, Point3D(0, 0, p.z), gfunction = (p3p, p2p) ->
            arrow(last(p2p), first(p2p))

end 800 500
Example block output

When things go wrong

In 2D graphics, things sometimes go wrong when values get close to zero or infinity. The same thing is true for 3D too, when the coordinates start stressing out the projecting equations. Really good 3D software will prevent this happening. In Thebes, though, you may occasionally see glitches. You're only seeing half the "world" that's in front of you - there's nearly a whole half-world falling behind the eye position, and this means that some points don't get drawn succesfully.

In general, if the pin() function can't display points or lines, it will probably just discard them and carry on, rather than attempt to draw things in impossible locations or straight lines that curve in space. So if you notice parts of your drawing missing, the easiest thing to do is to move the eyepoint further away from the 3D points in question.


Makie.jl offers support for realistic andflexible 3D projections.


The convert() function provides a useful way to convert 2D coordinates to 3D.

convert(Point3D, Point(10, 30))
3-element Point3D:

If you can generate your graphics in 2D, you can convert them to 3D, and then use pin() to project them back into two dimensions.

This example shows how to draw the familiar Julia coloured circles. We can't use real circles (because there are no Bézier paths in Thebes yet), so we use ngon() with plenty of sides - 60 is probably good enough if your output is high-quality SVG.

function drawjuliadots3D(threedots, origin::Point3D,
        rotation::Rotation=RotXYZ(0, 0, 0);
    for (n, dot) in enumerate(threedots)
        sethue([Luxor.julia_purple, Luxor.julia_green, Luxor.julia_red][mod1(n, end)])
        d = dot .+ origin
        rotateby!(d, origin, rotation)
        pin(d, gfunction = (_, pts) -> poly(pts, close=true, :fill))

function juliaroom()
    @draw begin
    eyepoint(1200, 1200, 1200)

    # create the basic three-dot shape
    threedots = Array{Point3D, 1}[]
    radius = 8
    points = ngon(O, radius, 3, -π/3, vertices=true)
    for (n, p) in enumerate(points)
        # zcoordinate defaults to 0 in convert()
        push!(threedots, convert.(Point3D, ngon(p, 0.75 * radius, 60)))

    # draw lots in each plane
    for x in 30:30:500
        for y in 30:30:500
            drawjuliadots3D(threedots, Point3D(x, y, 0), RotXYZ(0, 0, 0))

    for x in 30:30:500
        for z in 30:30:500
            drawjuliadots3D(threedots, Point3D(x, 0, z), RotXYZ(-π/2, 0, π/2))

    for y in 30:30:500
        for z in 30:30:500
            drawjuliadots3D(threedots, Point3D(0, y, z), RotXYZ(0, π/2, 0))

    end 800 700

Example block output