Introduction to Thebes

Thebes.jl is a small package that provides a few 3D wireframe tools for use with Luxor.jl, a simple 2D drawing package. You can define simple shapes in 3D, and have them projected onto a Luxor drawing.


Don't set your expectations too high! Thebes.jl merely generates a few simple 3D "wireframe" diagrams. For real 3D work, with solid shapes, lighting, textures, interactivity, and so on, use Makie.jl. Or spend a few months learning Blender...

Installation and basic usage

Install the package using the package manager at the REPL:

] add Thebes

To use Thebes, type:

using Thebes, Luxor

A quick test:

using Thebes
using Luxor

@drawsvg begin
    eyepoint(150, 150, 150)
    # read sphere data from a file
    include(dirname(dirname(pathof(Thebes))) * "/data/sphere.jl")
    # make a 3D object
    S = make(sphere, "a sphere")
    # resize sphere from unit coordinates
    scaleby!(S, 150)

    pin(S) # the "project into 2D" function
end 800 500
Example block output


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