Introduction to Karnak
Karnak.jl is a package for drawing graphs and networks. It's built on top of Luxor.jl.
Karnak also uses Graphs.jl for graph construction, and NetworkLayout.jl for graph layout algorithms.
There's a good selection of Julia packages for visualizing graphs:
TikzGraphs.jl: backend: Tikz/LaTeX
GraphPlot.jl: backend: Compose.jl
SGtSNEpi.jl: backend: Makie.jl
GraphRecipes.jl: backend: Plots.jl
GraphMakie.jl: backend: Makie.jl
Quick start
using Karnak
using Graphs
g = barabasi_albert(100, 1)
@drawsvg begin
drawgraph(g, layout=stress, vertexlabels = 1:nv(g))
Karnak.jl contains just one function: drawgraph()
, and re-exports Luxor.jl. So all graphics and drawing functions are from Luxor. See the documentation of Luxor.jl for details.